Renewal is carried out automatically. You can cancel it at any time and up to 15 days after the renewal date.
If you don’t want your subscription to be automatically renewed and you have paid for the course directly in your Campus (web), just send us a request to cancel it. If you paid for the course via APP Store or Google Play you can cancel the auto-renewal at any time directly in the APP settings. In both cases, you will be able to carry on studying until the end of your subscription period.
If the payment has been proceeded via the Apple App Store you must cancel the auto-renewal of your subscription on your device.
- Go to the App Store on your device.
- Tap “Featured” and scroll down to your Apple ID at the bottom of the page.
- Open your Apple ID, and choose “View Apple ID”.
- You'll find the ABA English payment under “Manage App Subscriptions” and will see the option to turn Auto-Renewal off.
For detailed information click here.
The same process has to be done if the payment has been proceeded via Google Play Store.
- Open:
- Select “Bills and accounts” on the left side of the screen.
- Chose the ABA English subscription and tap “Cancel subscription”.
For more information just have a look here.
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